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Using the Summer to Design a Data-Driven ELA Curriculum: For District Leaders

60 Minutes

This unpredictable school year brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified challenges that educators face—school districts are grappling with the interruption of learning that occurred over the past year. Now is the time to address learning gaps and use the summer months to design a data-driven ELA curriculum.

In this recorded edWebinar, Dr. David Bain leads viewers on:

  • Training teachers to use an assessment system that can both measure students’ response to grade-level standards and grade-band skill mastery.
  • Implementing a classroom instructional pedagogy that reimplements research-based, collaborative instructional practices and expands this instruction through personalized learning and adaptive technologies.
  • Organizing teachers into data teams to review student data in response to classroom-based instruction. This includes pre-planning instructional/content responses for students who initially struggle with grade-level content.

By viewing this edWebinar, educators will walk away with effective data-driven strategies to head into the 2021-2022 school year. This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to elementary through high school district and school leaders.

About the Presenter

Dr. David Bain has served students in a wide array of educational environments as a classroom teacher, building leader, director of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and associate superintendent. Dr. Bain has served in both urban and suburban school districts in both Chicago and Northern Illinois. Dr. Bain has significant research and data analytic experience in monitoring students enrolled in intervention programming. In multiple districts, he has built comprehensive intervention models in the areas of literacy, mathematics, and English learners. In addition, Dr. Bain has worked exclusively in the development of innovative science curricula through multiple publications and a previous role overseeing K-12 educational programming at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.