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2019 AASSA Governance Conference

The Confidante Hotel, Miami Beach, FL

This event has passed

Schools are understanding the critical importance of Boards of Trustees in the success of a school, and the standard for “good governance” is shifting. There is an expectation that Boards embrace best practice for governance in the fiduciary, strategic and generative domains.

We will be taking a deeper look at the topics below in smaller group break-out groups. An “un-conference” session will also enable participants to generate topics of interest to your school and to host small group conversations that explore those topics.

●     Managing effective communication within the Board and with stakeholders

●     Organizing effective committees and task forces

●     Understanding Board roles and responsibilities        

●     Using Board operating protocols       

●     Forging strong relationships among Trustees and Head of School

●     Developing the Board’s capacity

●     Effectively supporting and appraising the Head of school      

●     Conducting regular Board self-appraisal       

●     Rethinking approaches to Strategic Planning           

●     Understanding the strategic and generative roles of Trustees

●     Developing systems to monitor school quality

The format of the main conference is a mix of input, small group conversations, and large group processing. Scenarios and case studies will provide opportunities to apply concepts to the complex situations often found in schools. Quality resources will be made accessible to participants for the various topics addressed.

In addition, a special session on Child Protection will be part of the main conference. The goal of the session is to ensure that Board members and Heads of School have a current understanding of the Child Protection training and resources available, understand the essential leadership roles of leading the development and implementation of Child Protection policies and procedures as well as gain information relative to training, curriculum, and protocols for Child Protection.