
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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Rodney Photoshoot 24

Hear firsthand from the K-12 teachers who are shaping young lives around the country every day. A podcast for teachers, celebrating teachers.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Rodney Photoshoot 34

Rodney Robinson, 2019 National Teacher of the Year, talks about the school-to-prison pipeline, teaching social studies and civics education to incarcerated students in a juvenile detention center, and other major education issues.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

August Tracy Childers 5

On Teachers in America, Tracy Childers, a science teacher at a STEM magnet middle school, talks about project-based learning, looping with his students, and considering retirement.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

TITLE First Day of School Jitters 2 1

Ease the first-day-jitters! Explore three first-day-jitters activities that you can implement in your first grade classroom year after year.

Amanda Rack
First Grade Teacher, Knob Hill Elementary School


If you’re a teacher, you know you wouldn’t survive the school year without leaning on some of your most dependable co-workers!

Rachel Swartz
Sixth Grade Teacher, Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy (MS/HS 141), Bronx, New York

Hero monica d2

On Teachers in America, Monica Fitzgerald, a reading teacher and literacy coordinator, talks about growing up in a military family and as the child of an immigrant—and how she connects her experiences to her teaching practice.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

July Garrett Jackson 3

Garrett Jackson, a special education teacher in Saipan, CNMI, talks about teaching in isolation, supporting students after a natural disaster, and using edtech in occupational therapy.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

June Podcast Georgette 4

On the Teachers in America podcast, Georgette McClain, a life sciences teacher in Blanchester, Ohio, talks about school safety, teacher salaries, and state testing.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

1 HERO June Podcast Alexa hero2

On the Teachers in America podcast, Alexa Tegtmeier, a 3rd grade teacher in Boston, talks about serving a large population of English Learners and the differences in access between districts.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Donna Gradel Hero Image

This episode of Teachers in America features Donna Gradel, 2019 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year and a finalist for National Teacher of the Year.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor


Middle school teacher Rachel Swartz shares her ideas for including the Carmen Sandiego character into classroom activities.

Rachel Swartz
Sixth Grade Teacher, Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy (MS/HS 141), Bronx, New York

Hero brittany d2

On Teachers in America, Brittany Mamphey—a teacher in Cincinnati—talks about classroom management, teacher retention, and student empowerment.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Hero PD Mamphey 2

Fifth grade teacher Brittany Mamphey reflects on professional development for teachers and offers tips for how PD can become more meaningful.

Brittany Mamphey, M.Ed.
Dean of Students, Mt. Healthy South Elementary School, Ohio

Hero Tegtmeier BFF

Third-grade teacher Alexa Tegtmeier offers three reasons why teachers should befriend other teachers.

Alexa Tegtmeier
Third Grade Teacher, Curtis Guild Elementary School

5 June Podcast Alexa students

Inspired by teachers nationwide and their candor in sharing their experiences, we offer a glimpse into their stories in a new podcast series.

Shaped Staff

Podcast Hero Amand Rack2

On the Teachers in America podcast, Amanda Rack—a teacher in Southern California—opens up about the struggles of being a teacher mom.

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

Rachel Swartz classroom Teachers In America

On the Teachers in America podcast series, Rachel Swartz—a teacher in the Bronx, New York—talks bullying, SEL, and inspiring teachers

Onalee Smith
Shaped Contributor

R Swartz Bullying

Sixth-grade teacher Rachel Swartz discusses her experience being bullied in high school and how her story helps build a positive classroom culture for her students.

Rachel Swartz
Sixth Grade Teacher, Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy (MS/HS 141), Bronx, New York

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.