
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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What the academy awards taught me part 2 hero

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature

Class size matters hero

Does class size matter? Class size research reveals that smaller classrooms allow teachers greater proximity to the students and more opportunity for one-to-one instruction.

Weston Kieschnick
Associate Partner, ICLE

Three pillars of support for middle school english learners

Keeping English learners engaged in academic content while they experience profound personal challenges makes our role as educators even more complex and crucial.

Dr. Elena Izquierdo
Author, Escalate English; Author ¡Arriba la Lectura!; Associate Professor, Dual Language Education / Biliteracy / ELL Education, University of Texas, El Paso

HMH Prof Serv 2017 0222

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

A new math model 1600x900

Diane Reynolds
Director of Professional Learning

The Immeasurable Impact b 1600x900

Mary Mitchell
Professional Learning Program Designer

Debunking Myths a 1600x900

Erik Palmer
Program Consultant, Into Reading and Into Literature


HMH’s Kristi James shares what ideal literacy engagement in an early childhood classroom would look like and how teachers can realize this goal and promote it outside of their classrooms as well.

Dr. Kristi James

Join us at NCSS for student engagement thumb

Conferences are a great way to meet thought leaders in your content area and experience new solutions firsthand. HMH will be hosting two popular authors at NCSS, along with Channel One reporter Azia Celestino. Find out what else we have in store.

Shaped Staff

Blended learning guru weston kieschnick thumb

As he travels the country working with school districts, thought leader Weston Kieschnick shares five steps to Bold School Instruction. Now you can also catch his wisdom in his new Facebook Live series, The Teachers’ Lounge.

Shaped Staff

What is translanguaging

What is Translanguaging? Learn the definition of translanguaging and strategies for translanguaging in the bilingual classroom.

Drs. Yvonne and David Freeman
Authors, On Our Way to English, Professors Emeriti, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley

With ESSA more equitable assessment brings hope for parity thumb

Wondering about ESSA’s effect on assessments? Dr. Malbert Smith weighs in on three areas where he sees hope for improvement.

Dr. Malbert Smith
CEO, President, and Co-Founder of MetaMetrics

Turning data into actionable insight thumb

In this new series on making the most of education data to enhance learning, EdTech expert Stevin Smith elaborates on 5 important steps to consider. Step one: Define the Question.

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

What Does 3 D Learning Look Like thumb

In advance of his fall science webinar, Cary Sneider, HMH Science Dimensions Consulting Author, shares a collection of virtual field trips to demonstrate 3D teaching in action.

Dr. Cary Sneider
NGSS Writing Team Leader, Associate Research Professor at Portland State University

Connecting math and careers getting students animated thumb

Our “Connecting Math and Careers” series continues with strategies for inspiring students to consider a career in the field of animation.

Shaped Staff

Navigating the every student succeeds act well rounded curriculum thumb

Our series on navigating ESSA continues with Dr. Lissa Pijanowski’s advice on how to develop a well-rounded curriculum.

Dr. Lissa Pijanowski
HMH Contributor

Use reading data to encourage students independent reading thumb

As you assess students’ reading levels at the start of the school year, here are some strategies for supporting students in taking risks, expanding their reading choices, building skills—and becoming engaged independent readers.

Shaped Staff

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.