
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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Grades3 5 Reading

Van a recibir lecciones de lectura para cinco días, con las que su hijo podrá explorar el tema de los cuentos tradicionales más de cerca.

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Learn how to do a virtual read-aloud. Follow these five simple steps for holding virtual read-alouds with young students in your class.

Katie Risolo Radovich
First-Grade Teacher


Have middle schoolers improve their writing, critical thinking, and reading skills with these activities, which include creating a word cloud and summarizing informational texts.

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Have high schoolers analyze a poem, summarize an informational text, and write effective arguments with this week's downloadables activities.

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Grades3 5 Reading

Have your children in Grades 3-5 explore traditional tales with free reading lessons.

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Kindergarten Daily Reading

Explore five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of traditional tales.

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Grades1 2 Reading

Have children dive into traditional tales with five days of reading lessons for first and second graders.

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Blog lit language arts activities 6 8

Sharpen your writing, language, critical thinking, and reading skills with these instructional resources for Grades 6-8, including a poetry scavenger hunt.

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Have high school students analyze news stories, poems, and short stories with these instructional resources designed for remote learning.

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Grades1 2 Animals 2

Give your kids an inside look at the animal world with five days of reading lessons for first and second graders.

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Animals Turtle

Have your children in Grades 3-5 explore the animal world with free reading lessons, updated throughout the week.

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Animals Hide

Vamos a proporcionarles lecciones de lectura que duran cinco días, y las cuales servirán para explorar el mundo animal con su hijo.

Animals Turtle

Vamos a proporcionarles lecciones de lectura que duran cinco días, y las cuales servirán para explorar el mundo animal con su hijo.

Shaped Staff

Animals Hide

Explore five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of the animal world.

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Grades1 2 Animals 2

Vamos a proporcionarles lecciones de lectura que duran cinco días, y las cuales servirán para explorar el mundo animal con su hijo.

WF1137918 5 Reading Resolutions for 2020 Hero Image Opt3

HMH's Chief Research Officer examines recent research on why the pursuit of knowledge is integral to learning to read and learning about ourselves, others, and the world.

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

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With schools closed, ICLE's Weston Kieschnick offers tips to keep the academic momentum going and ideas on what to focus on as children learn at home.

Weston Kieschnick
Associate Partner, ICLE

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Supplying students with free books is just one way to help them stay engaged, especially if they lack the necessary digital tools for online learning.

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*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.