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Pi Day Scavenger Hunt for Middle School Students

2 Min Read
Hero IR

Hooray for Pi Day, an annual celebration observed on March 14! If you're looking for a fun activity, celebrate with a Pi Day scavenger hunt for middle school students. You can have students scour the classroom or their home environments as they look for circles or objects relating to the number π.

Pi Day Scavenger Hunt Objects

  • Circular food, toy, game, game piece, blue object, or metal object
  • Logo with a circle in it
  • Object beginning with the letters "pi-" (e.g., pillow or pie)
  • Object that shows the date 3/14
  • Place containing the number 314 (think about license plates, dates, area codes, etc.)
    • What about containing 3141, 31415, or numbers within the first 10 digits of π?
  • Object that weighs approximately 3.14 pounds or 3.14 ounces
  • Object with a length of approximately 3.14 inches or 3.14 feet
  • The following words in a book, magazine, newspaper, or elsewhere: diameter, radius, circumference
  • Objects other than circles (e.g., cones, spheres, cylinders)
  • Object with area π square inches, or π square feet, or 2π square feet, 3π square feet, etc.
  • The symbol π (e.g., in a game, book, etc.

Pi Day Online Scavenger Hunt

If you want to broaden your scavenging horizons, consider a Pi Day Internet scavenger hunt appropriate for Grades 5 and up, where students are instead searching the internet for different π-related objects.

Don’t feel limited by our pi scavenger hunt ideas, of course! You can adapt this Pi Day scavenger hunt activity for kids as young as four or five years old by asking them to hunt for 10 real-life circles. Or, you can challenge high schoolers to find another way the symbol π is used in math or science, other than representing the constant 3.1415. Also, check out these fun Pi Day activities for high school students for even more ways to celebrate.


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