
6 Fun 5th Grade Math Games and Activities for the Classroom

7 Min Read
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Want to make math instruction effective? Make it fun! Think about ways that students can engage with mathematical ideas and think mathematical thoughts, no matter what their interests are or where they are in their mathematical achievement.

Fun 5th grade math activities

Try these fun math games for 5th graders, along with activities, warm-ups, and lesson plans to promote fun math learning in your classroom. When choosing which activities to offer, we thought not only about standards coverage, but also the need to differentiate and ensure access for all of your students.

Activity 1: Venn diagram your class

Key objective: Students will reason mentally and talk about their thinking as they find percentages by participating in a community building activity involving Venn diagrams.

The Venn diagram is more than a math object. It’s a way of organizing ideas that span every subject. Students know it and can talk about it. Here’s an activity that makes math real for students and can speak to what’s important to them.

  • Choose 3 categories that your students would be interested in identifying with, for example “Has Dogs,” “Has Cats,” and “Has Fish.” (You can change these to any three categories your students would like. They don’t need to be related for this activity to work, but if they are, it promotes richer discussion.)
  • Publicly display a Venn diagram of the categories that the students can interact with.
Venn diagram cats dogs fish math
  • Students identify where they fall within the Venn diagram. This can be done online using a digital Venn diagram, or students could write their name on a sticky note and place it in the spot that represents them.
  • Facilitate a discussion around percentages. For example, “About what percent of the class has a cat?” “What’s the exact percent?” “How do you calculate what percent has either a cat or a dog?”

Activity 2: Clear the board

Key objective: Students will build number and operation sense by thinking flexibly and considering many possibilities throughout the game to find the solutions to the computation challenge.

Practically every math student would benefit from fluency practice. But it is often advisable to steer clear of worksheets of endless calculations. They’re a surefire way to turn students off of math! Instead, consider this activity that promotes lateral math thinking and has many entry points, allowing students below-, on-, and above-grade level to have a voice and share their thinking.

  • Write the numbers 1 through 12 on a board, either physical or digital.
  • Roll 3 number cubes until you have 3 different numbers (for example 1, 3, and 5). Cross those three numbers off the board. They’re “cleared.”
  • Can students clear the remaining 9 numbers only using the results of the rolls? For example, they could clear “9” by showing that 9 = 5 + 3 + 1. They could clear “2” by showing that 2 = (5 + 1) ÷ 3.
  • The activity is flexible. Students could individually compete to clear as many numbers as possible. Or you could call on students one at a time to clear a new number. Depending on where you and your students are in the curriculum, this allows for students to engage with negative numbers, exponents, and other math concepts.

Activity 3: Number strings

Key objective: Students will apply previous understanding of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

This activity, taken from our Math 180 solution, is a quick opportunity (can be as short as 5 minutes!) for formative assessment, along with a fun way to get students thinking and talking about math. The activity asks students to figure out a product of multiple factors mentally. The factors are chosen so that the activity not only allows for multiple entry points for students at varying levels of proficiency, but also facilitates discourse in the math classroom—a key component of mathematical sense-making.

This is a useful activity for discussing mathematical properties. Model for students how they can use vocabulary like the commutative property, associative property, and identity property to explain their reasoning. Ask students how they make these mental calculations, and have them design a similar string of factors.

This activity also facilitates rich mathematical discourse—a key element in developing conceptual understanding, and in turn building fact fluency. Ask what would happen when you change the factor of 7 to 14 or 70? What if you change the denominator to 14 or 70? Use this mathematical expression as a way to instill one of the habits of mathematical thinkers: reasoning abstractly.

Activity 4: Which does not belong?

Key objective: Students will analyze a set of fractions and mixed numbers to identify which number does not belong in the given set and explain why.

Similar to Activity 3, this activity (also taken from Math 180) is a way to get all students to find an entry point and then think and talk about mathematics. Use this to not only facilitate discourse in the math classroom but also formatively assess your students.

Students are tasked with identifying which number, out of a set of five, does not belong. Although 54 is the most “obvious” answer (it’s the only number not equal to 2.5), encourage students who find other answers, such as “212 because it's the only number with no digit above a 2 in it” to explain and justify their thinking as well.

In terms of the habits of mathematical thinkers, this activity requires that students attend to precision. Even though this content generally aligns with fourth-grade standards, it would benefit any student as it promotes the urgency of why equivalent fractions are important. Extend this activity by asking for other numbers that would belong to the same set or, more generally, asking how to generate infinitely many new numbers for this set.

Activity 5: Wipeout

Key objective: Students will be able to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators by finding fractional equivalences to solve.

Fraction equivalence is a place where many fifth graders struggle, and understanding it is essential in order to master the standard of adding and subtracting unlike fractions.

This game, which is adapted from Lessons for Introducing Fractions: Grades 4–5 by Marilyn Burns, makes fifth-grade math games visual and lets students see fractions using pattern blocks. They build out models, and in turn build their understanding of fraction equivalence conceptually before moving to a more abstract understanding.

This game is a powerful way to introduce fraction equivalence at the start of a unit, or it can be used flexibly in a small group or intervention setting as a math workshop rotation. If playing this game online, you can use virtual pattern blocks or create fraction cards and paper pattern block pieces that students can assemble outside of school.

Activity 6: Coordinates secrecy

Key objective: Students will understand key vocabulary related to coordinate graphing (coordinates, axes, x, and y), and be able to graph points on a coordinate plane.

Have your students ever played the game Battleship? Well, here’s the math version! This game could be played either face-to-face or remotely and introduces plotting points on a coordinate graph. For students ready for a more advanced version, extend to all four quadrants.

The teacher instruction in this free downloadable, published in Math Games for Geometry and Measurement by Jamee Petersen, includes ample support around ways to differentiate math instruction, the why behind the game, and ways to discuss strategy. Use this game to not only practice coordinate graphing and geometry, but also build vocabulary around the concepts.


Looking for more 5th grade classroom math games?

These fun math activities for 5th grade are just the tip of the iceberg! It’s a never-ending goal to get all of your students to look forward to and engage with math. Try some of our other posts where we offer 5th grade math games, puzzles, and activities to get your students’ brains churning!


Look no further for free resources to help you teach your 5th graders! Check out our ever-expanding trove of free resources, spanning all subjects and all grades.

This blog post, originally published in 2021, has been updated for 2025.

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